About Us.

About Us

Connect your business with today's technology

Your Partner of Choice

i3 Pathfinder Solutions is not merely a trade name that provides cutting edge and efficient solutions befitting to our clientele, we prevail a step further, covering the whole nine yards.

What We Do?

Why Choose Us?

i3 Pathfinder Solutions provides core, fundamental, and yet contemporary, cutting-edge technology solutions that enable them to explore the future today.

24/7 Customer Support

Professional Team

100% Quality Product

How to connect?

Why i3 Pathfinder Solutions

About us

Customer Focus

The nucleus, the orb of vigor, the origin around which our milky way so ardently swivels is our most valued asset: OUR CUSTOMER. i3PATHFINDER Solutions prides itself and sets itself apart from its contemporaries by exalting its most prized possession – its customer – and treating each one of them with the focus and attention that they so well deserve. That’s i3PATHFINDER’s way of redefining the customer-centric approach.

Experienced Staff

They do not have a feather in their caps (quite literally). Still, they do their own skills that are matchless across the industry we dwell in – our staff, i.e., hiring the best and shining the brightest, our workforce is second to none when it comes down to a showdown dexterity.

Resources to Deliver

You could have the best team, the best infrastructure, and placed best geographically, but if you do not possess the promise to deliver upon your resources, you have your feet in the wrong place. At i3PATHFINDER, we not only sit on a reservoir of massive talent but equal it best with the resources to match its magnitude.

Process Oriented

We at i3PATHFINDER are familiar with Kaizen and Six Sigma methods and processes for improvement but successfully implement them to get the best out of our implementation when it comes down to getting oriented with processes.

Cutting Edge Tools

We are meticulous to our core. And our sharpness reflects in the tools of the trade that we utilize.

Constantly Evolving

Ever since Neanderthals stepped out of their caves and used the palm leaf to protect their feet and called that thing ‘Shoes’ – the process of evolution had started. We understand that. Understand it so well that we took to it passionately and had it embedded in our DNA. We do not stop. Simply put. We keep moving. Keep innovating. Innovating the future, i.e., today. Hence, we explore the future today.

Industry Certification

Our efforts do not go in vain. The industry recognizes it and lauds it too. We get certified that we are the best in that respective category, and that alone speaks volumes about the kind of individual’s i3PATHFINDER is made up of.

Established Business

We didn’t just decide one fine day that the world needed another new technology outfit. We’ve been navigating the commercial waters for decades, and our business portfolio is diverse. You’re in a safe and savvy company.

Strong Partnerships

Call it a strategic alliance or the call of the time. We collaborate, affiliate, and partner with the best, around the globe. Be it vendors or technology acumen. We rub shoulders with the likes. Our commitment to making that partnership last longer than a human lifespan is always our priority, and it reflects when we deal with our customers.

Honesty and Integrity

If we were to define ourselves and round it up in the least words, we would’ve gone for ‘Honesty’ & ‘Integrity’. These are the two main characteristics upon which rises high the entire structure of our organization. So when you are on board with us, you know you’re dealing with the righteous ones.

Endeavors to provide enterprises solutions built on innovation, intelligence and integration using cutting-edge technology.

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